
Jerry D. Locke

God has been gracious to allow me to continue to remain active preaching by the invitation of Baptist pastors far and wide. I am available for…

Still a Baptist Seminars (Sunday-Wednesday)
Still a Baptist Sunday (3 sessions)
Stewardship Sunday or Conference – Does God Care?
Offenses: Victor or Victim? (forgiveness and bitterness)
“What’s Next?” Prophecy Conference
Bible-Missions Conferences
Special occasions (church-pastor anniversaries, etc.)
Pulpit supply

Session Information

“Still a Baptist Seminar”  –  6 Sessions
Sunday School:  The Wild, Wacky 21st Century Church World
Sunday am: The Glorious Beginning of the Churches of the New Testament
Sunday pm:  The Blood-Bought History of Baptists
Monday pm:  What Do Baptists Believe?
Tuesday pm: In Search of the Body of Christ
Wednesday pm: Who are independent Baptist? & Keeping the Baptist Name

“Still a Baptist Sunday”  –  6 Sessions
Sunday School:  What Makes a Church New Testament
Sunday AM: The Founding and Nature of the New Testament Church
Sunday PM: The Blood-Bought History of Baptist & Keeping the Baptist Name

Pastor Testimonials

We recently had a seminar on “Still a Baptist” Seminar and our Church profited greatly in increased knowledge of our heritage, increased devotion to our Savior who died to establish the Church, and a better understanding of how to be civil at the same time we stand for the time honored doctrines of the faith.

Pastor John Nelson

Vandament Avenue Baptist Church
Yukon, Oklahoma

The ‘Still a Baptist’ Seminar was a much-needed teaching in our church. Our people are still talking about it. I would recommend this seminar to any church, even where these truths are taught on a regular basis.

Pastor Burt Atkins

Highland Missionary Baptist Church
Dublin, Texas

The information shared in the “Still a Baptist” Sunday is a vital bridge for this generation to connect and understand with the generations of the past. It answers the questions for this generation as to why we believe what we believe as Baptist and why it’s so important and vital to protect and practice it in our churches.

Associate Pastor Scott Wallace

Riverview Baptist Church
Borger, Texas