
Backpack for LWISD
We’re partnering with Effie Morris Early Learning Academy to provide Backpacks and school supplies to families in need. Click below for more information and to donate to kids in our Lake Worth Community.
Donate Here
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
August 6th – 8-10am
All men and boys are invited for breakfast, coffee, and encouraging fellowship and prayer.

Fellowship Meal
August 28th
Please bring a main dish, side or dessert to share.
The fellowship meal will be immediately following the 11am worship hour. We will be having 1:30pm Bible study in the auditorium following the meal.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
September 3rd – 8-10am
All men and boys are invited for breakfast, coffee, and encouraging fellowship and prayer.

Ladies’ Event
September 10th
Check back soon for details on this ladies event.

Fellowship Meal
September 25th
Please bring a main dish, side or dessert to share.
The fellowship meal will be immediately following the 11am worship hour. We will be having 1:30pm Bible study in the auditorium following the meal.